StartUp Product development

StartUp Product development

"Helping you to Move MountEverest"

The Block Data IT Solution helps you to create startup websites or Apps for various business models. We follow a unique and modern way to build websites that will reach your target customers.

            Our team builds the websites by including the core values of your business and add all the necessary features to build a stunning website.

How we do it?

1) Planning
At this stage, we collect as much information about your business as possible. What are your objectives? Are your competitors any good? We analyze your target audience to specify your client's primary needs. This is the foundation of any and every project.

2) Content creation
Not limited to just text, this includes photos, videos, graphs, data tables anything your users see when they visit the site. We integrate relevant data into responsive layouts and create content templates for custom solutions.

3) Prototyping
This phase includes multiple meetings where we have detailed discussions about possible design solutions and the tools we need. The most important part is deciding on the design of the home page. After it's done, we go on to other pages until we are ready for the next step.

4) Web design
Here, we create mockups of multiple pages (in different sizes – for responsive layouts), but the content in, and show them to the client. After discussing any possible corrections or additions, we go on to the next phase.

5) Coding
This is the longest stage, with a sizeable amount of time spent on front-end and back-end development. The project manager describes the specifications of the project, then programmers work on code and install a CMS. At this point, the code is reviewed by the lead developer.

6) Quality assurance
When everything's ready, the product goes through a series of tests, usually by people who weren't a part of this project. This allows us to catch some of the less-obvious bugs and go on to the next step.

7) Presentation & Launch
The sweetest part is the focal point of our collaboration. This marks the official launch of your site, as it is now viewable to the public.

8) Support
We guarantee our support even after the project's been completed. Our expert team is always ready to help. Rely on our end-to-end testing, round-the-clock 

Looking for a reliable IT company for your Web / App Development Project?